Cornthwaite Group Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
During these unprecedented times Cornthwaite Group would like to reassure our customers that we are doing everything in our power to ensure the health and safety of our staff and customers. While as an essential business we are able to remain open and trading, we took the decision to close our showrooms to the public.
Our showrooms are now open to the public again but additonal measure are in place to limit the amount of people and ensure safe distancing and other guidelines are adhered to.
- Controlled safety areas are set up at each depot for parts, service or general enquiries.
- Our staff have been instructed to adhere to the 2m rule at all times.
- Hand wash, sanitiser and PPE will be available to all our staff and customers
- If you require parts we encourage ordering prior to arriving at the depot. This can be done via phone, email ( or using JDParts Online
- Areas have been set up to collect or purchase parts, with perspex screens for yours and our staff safety.
- Courier delivery service is available on request
- Parts supply remains good. As always, we encourage our customers to stock essential items for the season.
- Our technicians remain available to support you on farm and in the workshops. However, new measures have been put in place to ensure their safety
- We ask you respect the 2m distancing rule at all times
- Remote diagnostics and resolutions will be used where possible
- Our sales teams have been asked to only visits farms where prior contact is made and both parties are happy to proceed
- Distancing and hygiene rules will be adhered to at all times
- Our sales staff will remain available on the phone, whats app or email
- Delivery of new equipment from John Deere continues but will be subject to change at anytime, we will update you if this is the case.
For depot contact details click here
For staff contact details click here
To view our risk assessment click here
From everyone at Cornthwaite Group, we are proud to continue supporting you as an essential industry. Stay Safe.